Woottens of Wenhaston Hemerocalllis Open Days

Woottens of Wenhaston Hemerocalllis Open Days
With apologies, we are unable to open the Hemerocallis fields this season.
If you wish to view our full collection this can be done on our website. Click here
Woottens of Wenhaston grow over 600 different varieties of Hemerocallis or ‘Daylily’. Our special love is the new American Spider and Unusual Forms although our fields are planted with every form from the elegant to the most voluptuous and from the exuberant and flamboyant to the delicate and unusual.
Our Hemerocallis fields are open for viewing annually usually the first two weekends in July. Saturday and Sunday from 10am-4pm. Last entry is at 3.30pm.
Plants can be selected on the day to be lifted and dispatched to you within 2-3 weeks.
Please wear sensible footwear for viewing. Entry is free and any donations made go to the NGS
“One of the great joys of spring is the wavy, fresh green tips of Hemerocallis leaves, poking through the snow along with snowdrops and the blood red tips of Peonies. In summer their deep-throated flowers make voluptuous ‘v’ signs towards the phalanxes of Kniphofias and erect knobs of Agapanthus.. The modern Hemerocallis cultivars with their ruffles, eyezones, banding and edges, (camp and gorgeous as if snipped out of velvet and silk by John Galliano) are fit to strut the cat walk”. Michael Loftus
To learn more about Hemerocallis – visit our page dedicated to this handsome and rewarding perennials